Review: Geil DDR2 Ultra PC8500

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Even if GeIL specifics this memory kit with timings 5-5-5-15 at DDR2 1066 frequency, this memories are able to reach stable the same fsb (and even much more!) with a lot more faster timings: 4-4-4-10. And, if we use lower freq then 333MHz we can use CAS 3 without any kind of problems!

We can conclude that with an Intel platform we need a mainboard able to cenge the BUS strap from Bios to use at the best this kit and then we will be able to reach awesome scores! But this “problem” doesn’t exist with an AMD AM2 platform since there is a different memory controller on it that lets us to reach faster frequencies. That’s why on AMD this kit is specified to work @ DDR2 1200 and timings as low as 4-5-5-10.

Performance:                             Image

Rapp. Quality / Price:                Image

Overall Score :                          Image


Thanks to GeIL that let us test this DDR2 kit.

Marco Cimino
Marco Dominici